Newage vs. Shaklee
The importance of wellness goods in improving health and awareness is enormous. This is a necessary component for living a full life in excellent mental and physical health.
DSDefenders has done extensive research into the reputation management of these health and wellness brands in direct sales as they are widespread and don’t seem to be slowing down.
In today’s society, consumers are exposed to a vast choice of health and wellness items, where you can obtain everything with a few mouse clicks.
The bulk of the world’s fastest-growing direct sales firms is currently in the health and wellness industry.
In recent years, the health and wellness business has thrived. According to industry analysts, the sector will continue to develop and achieve higher revenue figures.
The epidemic and increased consumer health awareness have aided the expansion of health and wellness direct sales enterprises.
These firms’ net revenues have increased, and several have set records with their direct sales business model that made earning for those who could not leave their homes a reality.
Two health and wellness brands that have taken the market by storm are NewAge and Shaklee. They came in strong with their direct sales business models and improved people’s lives.
While Newage and Shaklee may seem very similar, they have their differences. DSDefenders has put together a breakout of the similarities and differences between NewAge and Shaklee.
Newage is a mission-driven corporation that aspires to be the world’s premier social selling and distribution enterprise.
Newage, established in Colorado, sells a portfolio of organic and healthful products across the world, mostly through a direct sales method.
The firm has three primary categories of products: weight control, health and wellness, nutrition, and beauty.
Newage sells a range of organic and healthful products globally, largely through direct sales, and it leads a global network of over 400,000 exclusive independent distributors and brand partners.
Newage is a mission-driven corporation that aspires to be the world’s premier social selling and distribution enterprise.
Dr. Shaklee, the founder and namesake of Shaklee believed in two big powers: nature’s power and one’s strength.
He was ahead of his time in understanding that the plentiful American diet was deficient in several ways.
Dr. Shaklee advocated that individuals consume less fat and more fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes 40 years ago.
Dr. Shaklee produced the firm’s first product, Pro-Lecin Nibblers, a protein-lecithin supplement. Later in 1956, they added a herbal laxative called Herb-lax.
Within the coming year, they would launch Vita Lea, a multivitamin and mineral supplement developed and immediately became their flagship product.
Rather than recruiting permanent salespeople, the firm hired independent contractors from the beginning and provided them with a series of financial incentives based on the number of sales they achieved.
Water filters, skincare items, nutritional products, hygiene products, support braces, air purifiers, and sleep help products such as comforters and sleeping masks are all available from Nikken.
Shaklee provides a wide range of health goods, including nutritional supplements, weight loss shakes and bars, anti-aging cosmetics, and a beauty line. They also sell natural cleaning supplies for the house.
Tahitian Noni Superfruit Health Shots
Tahitian Noni Superfruit Health Shots blend the antioxidant-rich power of noni juice with complementing, science-backed substances to maximize noni’s effectiveness and best address current wellness concerns.
Tahitian Noni Wellbeing Shots provide critical wellness, stronger immune, heightened mental concentration, and better sleep in a handy single-serving dose.
They created Tahitian Noni Wellness Shots in response to a market need at a time when immunological, sleep, and cognitive support have never been more important.
Vitalized Immunity Supplement
This fantastic supplement is marketed as a potent immune booster for the winter, but you can use it any time of year.
It has a good combination of minerals, vitamins, and herbs. It works as a multivitamin with some additional herbal ingredients.
It’s naturally sweetened and will provide you with a lot of nourishment. Before drinking one of the pills, you should dissolve it in 4-6 ounces of water.
Get Clean Starter Kit
Get Clean Starter Kit is a home cleaning solution perfect for keeping your house clean and fresh without harsh chemicals.
This organic mixture you may use to clean your kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, or anyplace else!
Premier Membership Program
If you sign up for auto-ship agreements worth 120 QPV every month, you will receive the following benefits:
- Eligible for the Fast Start Bonus program to make quick money
- Possibility of receiving additional commissions and incentives as part of the remuneration plan
- Receive qualifying volume to qualify for Unilevel Commissions, title progression, and incentives
- Are you eligible for international New Age/Morinda incentives
- Receive a personal refund of 20% on any personal rebate commissionable volume
- Get Premier Membership discounts on New Age/Morinda items
- Change the sponsors of your organization (according to sponsor change policies)
- Get your yearly renewal charge waived
- Participation in training and activities is possible
- Get personal access
Bonus For TruPerformance
You may earn this bonus by doing the following:
- obtaining eligible for 120 QPV Premier Membership
- improving the ASQV4 by 35% or more above the benchmark
- keeping ASQV Gen4 larger than 0
Bonus For Black Pearl Shared Success
Those who have successfully built strong downlines receive 3% of the company’s total CV.
Profits From Retail
This is the compensation you receive as a proportion of your own Noni product sales.
Plan At Each Level
Your commission % grows as you advance through the Noni tiers.
Compression Dynamic
This technique ensures that the compensation plan will not be disrupted.
Compression Qualification
This method ensures that the compensation plan will not be disrupted by members who have not met their quotas.
Bonus Program For Quick Start
You can earn this bonus by assisting your downline in making sales during the next 60 days.
Rebate Personnel
Those with Premier Membership are entitled to a 20% discount on their next order.
Buying and Selling
One of the simplest methods to benefit from the items you purchase. You will also earn additional money if you recruit new members.
You may be eligible for a Power Bonus if you complete this during the first three months. Selling enough particular goods in a specific timeframe can qualify you for a Gold Bonus.
You’ll earn the FastTrack bonus if you level up quickly enough. Everything you may sell has a point value attached to it.
To be active, you must order at least 100 points worth of merchandise each month. This will set you back around $150.
You may also make money by selling items. As your team grows, you will earn more commission and rise in level.
Here are the positions:
- At the Distributor position, 250 points each month yields a 4% commission
- At the Distributor position, 500 points each month earn an 8% commission
- At the Associate tier, 1000 points each month yields a 12 percent commission
- At the Associate tier, 1500 points each month yields a 14 percent commission
- At the Director position, earning 2000+ points every month receives a 20% commission
When you or someone reaches the rank of director, your points no longer count toward your overall score. However, following it, you are designated as a “leader.”
Once you’re a leader, you can advance through ten additional ranks. Leaders have been reported to make anything from $4,155 to $955,066 each year in commission payments.
Both NewAge and Shaklee are health and wellness direct sales companies that are highly successful, and DSDefenders can guarantee they will change your life!
While both direct sales companies share a common market, their products are fairly different from one another, as is their marketing presence.
Shaklee is one of the few solid MLM firms. The fact that they have been in business for more than a half-century suggests this, but there are also numerous client evaluations and reports to back this up.
If you want to join a direct sales firm, you should do so, but not before you investigate Newage. They have been awarded numerous awards and received great reviews on their products.
So which direct sales company will you choose? That’s up to you, both are the best health and wellness brands on the direct sales market – owing to their well-managed reputations and consistency.